0.0.14 - rewards reworked


productive day!

I've reworked the rewards to have 3 qualities - common, rare and epic

The more monsters you kill, the higher quality rewards you'll be offered. 

Give it a try and let me know what you think. 

Thank you :)


  • Reward rework
    • introduced a few higher value rewards that already existed (defence, hp & damage have epic quality variants)
    • Moved some higher power rewards to epic
  • Implemented a UI indicator for the reward multiplier you've earned in a room. The higher this goes, the higher % chance you'll get rare or epic rewards
  • Tweaked some art assets to give a better visualisation to the player
    • player projectile is blue to differentiate from enemy projectiles
    • HP orbs are now small HP potions
  • Fixed a bug with the shaders that was causing some enemies to appear as white boxes
  • Tweaked the cost of some shop items to help with the balance
  • Fixed some UI scaling issues with the shop and certain rewards


0.0.14-web.zip 12 MB
30 days ago

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