Dungeon Cleaner 0.0.25 - Magic Missile

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I have a small update this morning as I'm trying to cram in some work before I go on holiday for two weeks.

I've added a new projectile reward called Magic Missile. This projectile fires from your character and homes on the target nearest to you. It scales really well with other projectile upgrades (size, extra projectiles, damage) and provides a nice stream of damage when kiting enemies.

I'm mostly refactoring and cleaning up code so I don't completely forget how everything works when I return. I should have one last update tonight, but that's likely to include stability and enhancements to the core game systems.


  • New Rare Reward - Magic Missile
  • New Rare Reward - 20% increased projectile size
  • New Epic Reward - Extra Projectiles
  • You now start with 2 bounties, one to clear 4 rooms.
  • You can have 2 bounties at once, with a reduced chance to receive a 2nd bounty when you already have an existing one.
  • New 'Clear Rooms' bounty
  • Some visual tweaks on projectiles, such as particles and lighting.



Dungeon_Cleaner-0.0.25.zip 14 MB
Jun 17, 2024


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Too many missiles kill the performance at least in browser. I become a monster that enters the room and kills everything alive just with missiles. It even started to lag and there is not button I want to die!

yep the performance can get pretty choppy when there’s a lot going on. I’m usually optimising stuff a while after if finish working on it, and when I’m sure I know it will help.

Killing everything in the room with missiles is great, I only want to add more of a challenge and let you be as powerful as you want!

And good point about a reset button, i need to work on a reset button and a proper main menu in the near future.

Ty for all your comments!