Dungeon Cleaner 0.0.24 - Balance Tweaks & More

Hello all!

Thank you to all who have been playing Dungeon Cleaner! I've really enjoyed reading feedback and making changes based on it.

With that being said, I've released some slight balance changes to make the game easier.

Modifiers were a huge source of enemy power and could drastically scale up the difficulty between rooms. I've toned this way down instead of spawning one in every room each time the spawners are generated. There will be only one spawned every two levels in a single room

This is a huge drop in difficulty as the modifiers play a big part in the design of this game, but until I have a way of making the effects much more obvious and manageable to the players, I will keep them tuned down.

Also, a new power was added that makes your projectiles slow enemies by 20% * (number of upgrades), and a new enemy spawner that spawns hordes of bats.

Lots of other little tweaks in this patch you can read below. Enjoy!


  • Greatly reduced number of modifiers that are spawned
  • Added a new section to the death screen to show you a few stats of your run
  • Updated the menu a tiny bit, so it's not the default unity-blue :) 
  • Reworked the enemy bat's attack to deal constant damage when they are in a close proximity to you
  • Added a projectile slowing power (rare)
  • Added some lighting to spell projectiles
  • Added some visual feedback for when the player gets hit
  • Refactoring a fair bit of code in the background to help with bounty completion based on enemy type
  • Fixed some particles that were not ordered correctly, and hiding behind other sprites.


Dungeon Cleaner 0.0.24 14 MB
10 days ago

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