Dungeon Cleaner 0.0.23 - Bounties!


I've changed the game from 'prototype' to 'In Development'. I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out and I'm keen to start refining the player experience and creating systems to give the player a goal and objectives.

With this in mind, I've published a new update that includes a new bounty system.

My goal with this is to implement a system that helps guide the player through the game while offering rewards to make them stronger.

As of now, you will always get a starting bounty, and you have a chance to receive a new bounty when you are offered a reward for completing a room.

While the system took a fair bit of time to develop, it's been really easy to add new a lot of bounties which hook into the existing systems of the game. Using lots of scriptable objects 

There's still a bit of work on the UI/UX and feedback, but I wanted to get an early iteration of this into player's hands and get feedback.



  • Bounty system
  • Added very slight outline to all enemies to help player's visualise them
  • Fixed some bugs with enemy health bars not showing

Enjoy! Let me know what you think :) 


0.0.23-web.zip 14 MB
Jun 15, 2024

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